Velkommen til Wado Ryu Norge
Hvem er vi?
Wado Ryu Norge er moderorganisasjonen for alle Wado Ryu karateklubber i Norge. Wado Ryu Norge består i dag av 14 klubber, og er direkte tilknyttet Wado Ryu Karate Do Academy og Shiomitsu sensei 9. Dan Hanshi i England, samt Grandmaster Hironori Otsuka III i Japan.
På disse sidene håper vi dere vil finne nyttig informasjon om vår stilart, våre klubber og våre aktiviteter.
The object of studying Wado Ryu
“Martial Arts” what does it mean? There are many meanings. For example; Budo, Bujutsi, Bugi, Kakugi, Bushido, which are all Martial Arts.
But what is the meaning of «Martial Arts»? Today practitioners of martial arts have many meanings. As a sport, as a health control, to improve the spirit or as a business, but what is the reality?
As the founder of Wado Ryu wrote in a poem:
When you practice Wado Ryu as a martial art, it not only means committing yourself to the way of Wado Ryu, but also committing yourself to a certain way of life, which includes hard training, overcoming obstacles in life, and finding the way lead a healthy and meaningful existence in the time you have on this planet. Through this way of life you can reach the center of WA and lead a life of wholeness.
This is reality!
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