Guildford 2022

Hei dere!

På grunn av smittesituasjonen blir det ikke et fellesarrangement gjennom Wado Ryu Norge.  

Om du reiser gjør du det på egenhånd.

Styret Wado Ryu Norge

Legger ved info fra Maya nedenfor.

Dear Instructor 

Happy New Year.

Please excuse my delay in sending the following information.  It is understood that though you and your students may have supported the Wado Academy Winter course in the past, this year, due to the ongoing uncertainty regarding Covid 19 regulations both in the UK and overseas with constant change in travel requirements relating to each country, it may be difficult to arrange attendance.  

Please find attached the application form for the 3 day condensed course which is now scheduled to be held at the Guildford Spectrum Sports Complex from Saturday 19th to Monday 21st February 2022.  Could you please notify your students.

The information has been sent in two formats.  The word document can be completed on the computer, saved and emailed as an attachment.  The pdf file can be printed out and completed by hand (to scan/photograph and email back).  Please make sure that your students are aware that a scanned copy/photograph of the application or completed saved document must be emailed at the time payment is made to assist in the administration and to ensure funds are allocated to the right student. Payment can be made either by Bank transfer or PayPal payment. If you need any further information, please let me know.

Additional bank details that may be required for overseas payments:

Lloyds Bank 

Account Name: Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Academy

Sort Code: 30-99-66

Account No: 01799939


IBAN GB54 LOYD 3099 6601 7999 39

Please use your name/membership number as reference 


Please use your name/membership number as reference in the notes section

Obviously with the Covid 19 pandemic, scheduled events may have to be cancelled or postponed due to government guidelines and /or legislation.  Please be assured that should this Winter Course be cancelled, all cleared funds received in advance will be refunded.

1. This is a pre-registration, pre-payment course.

If you have trouble sending advance payment, please contact me.

2. Please ensure that students wishing to take part in the Wado Academy Winter Course submit their application and have made cleared payment by Monday 7th February 2022.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

With kind regards